Where to go fly fishing?

pêche à la mouche

Fly fishing is generally associated with water bodies such as lakes and streams. On the other hand, it is a versatile style of fishing, and will therefore be suitable for many instances. The specifics of fly fishing will not impose big limits on the terrain.

A freshwater fishing style

The best way to practice fly fishing is certainly to turn to a freshwater spot. This style of fishing was developed on such waters and can also be practised without too much difficulty. In addition, the water must be suitable for this style of fishing.

It is necessary to be able to cast the line over a certain distance, and therefore to have a minimum of momentum. You must therefore ensure that you have a minimum of space. Also, the line runs on average 10m. In this respect, it is ideal to do this type of fishing on a stretch of water at least 20m wide.

Depending on the type of fish you want to catch

Not all rivers are the same, and some will have their own specificities. They will also not contain the same fish. For example, to fly fish for trout, you need to turn to the water at the base of the mountains.

You can do this style of fishing there if you are looking for that particular fish. You will just have to make the necessary adjustments depending on the environment. The fish is also a factor in such adjustments.

Fly fishing in the sea

The open sea is certainly the place that is least likely to be connected with fly fishing. However, it is interesting to use this technique to catch fish in such an environment. It is simply a question of choosing the right equipment so that everything works in your favour.

It will be more common to use baits that are more massive and showy. Fish in the sea will be less wary, larger, and will swim a little deeper. The choice of bait, however, depends mainly on the style of fly fishing you will be using.

The importance of choosing the right equipment

Depending on where you plan to fly fish, it is essential to choose the right tackle for the job. It should be as suitable as possible for the environment where you intend to catch fish. However, certain configurations will give you maximum possibilities.

The ideal size for a fly fishing rod is 9 to 10 feet. At this height, it will be possible to cast the line at various distances. Next, you should also pay attention to details like the reel. Equipping yourself with a variety of rods is a way to prepare yourself in the best possible way.

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