Which line for carp leaders?

Which line for carp leaders?

2 December 2021 0 By admin9632

The leader is an essential accessory for mounting a fishing rod. It is therefore very important to make the right choice if you want to be successful in your fishing trip. In this section, we will talk about which line to choose for carp leaders.

The importance of choosing the right leader and accessories

In fact, to avoid coming back empty-handed during a fishing session, it is very important to choose the material to use. Indeed, the same equipment is not used for sea fishing as for freshwater fishing. The same goes for accessories for trout and carp fishing, for example. There are as many details to consider. For example, you need to choose the right line, reel, lures, and leader, both in size and colour. And you should know, the leader is of great importance, especially for the attraction of fish and for the ease of handling. Nevertheless, in this article we will focus on the choice of the leader.

The different criteria for choosing line and leader

To make the right choice of line, you should take into account the following criteria.

  • The fishing area: river with current or pond
  • The depth of the water, in fact, you will not choose the same line for a depth of 2 meters and 80 cm
  • The type of fish to catch, here it is the carp which interests us
  • The size of the fish
  • The type of line

Which line for a carp leader?

So if you are going to fish for carp, here are some ideas on the best choice of line for the carp. Mainly, nylon is used for the line and the leader. This line is favoured for its translucency and strength. Nylon is also discreet. However, you should choose the nylon line carefully, taking into account its transparency, flexibility and diameter. The effectiveness of the fishing is based on these different points, even if it is the bait and the lure that have the main role of attraction.

It should be noted that the leader is generally thinner than the line body. Thus, a line with a diameter between 8/100 and 12/100 will be good to start with. A leader of 6/100 and 10/100 will be very suitable. You should know that 8/100 is more versatile. But if you want to fish mainly for carp, you will need a 7/100 line. And for bigger fish, consider a 10/100 line or even up to 14/100. If you are still a beginner, we also advise you to use hooks that are already mounted on the bottom.