What type of fishing rod for the sea?

What type of fishing rod for the sea?

19 novembre 2021 0 Par admin9632

There are some differences between freshwater and marine fishing. The techniques and equipment used are not the same. So if you are planning to go fishing in the sea, you need to make sure you choose the right accessories. Here’s what kind of fishing rod to use for sea fishing.

The right length of rod for sea fishing

To choose the right rod for sea fishing, you need to consider a few criteria. First of all, you need to take into account the type of boat and your fishing area. Indeed, this will have an impact on the length of the equipment. For example, if you are going to fish from the shore, it is recommended that you use a long rod of between 2.30 and 2.70 metres. If you are going to use a kayak, the main consideration is the length of the talent. During the game, you will be sitting still, so it is best to go for a rod between 2.00 and 2.20 m long. And if you are going to be in a boat, there will be less strain. So a rod that is shorter than the one on board will be fine. You can choose between models from 2.00 to 2.40 m.

The choice of casting power

When we talk about casting power, we are talking about its use according to the weight of the bait. In other words, the practicality of the sea fishing rod for casting lures and ensuring their animation. For this purpose, you can choose between light rods (Light or L) weighing between 3 and 15 g and light medium rods (Medium Light or ML) weighing between 5 and 20 g. There are also medium (Medium or M) models with a weight between 10 and 30 g and medium heavy (MH) weighing between 15 and 40 g. Finally, there are the heavy and extra heavy rods (Heavy or H and Extra Heavy) with a weight of between 20 and over 60 g). As far as the general power of a sea fishing rod is concerned, it is between 10 and 25 lbs.

Think about the fighting strength

The various values we have just listed for rod weight have no connection with the fighting strength. In fact, this is another point to consider when choosing a sea fishing rod. Indeed, the most versatile are the 10 to 45 g rods that can be used to cast baits between 10 and 45 g. With a vertical use as for a high edge, a rod between 15 and 40 g will be perfect. It will allow you to fish with lures between 70 and 80 g, but without casting. So, when choosing the power, don’t forget to take into account the weight of your lures.

Action, a criterion not to be forgotten

To make your sea fishing trip a real pleasure, you should also think about the action of the rod. There are three options to choose from. There is the Fast action where the rod will work on the last third of the blank. With a model offering a Moderate action, the rod will work on the entire blank. And the Mod Fast action is the middle ground between the two previous actions. All you have to do is make your choice.